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(844) 123-209 888
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Mamboo za preduzeća

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since 1983

Our Story

We provide innovative, well-designed products and a unique human experience. While shopping at Carafity you will not only support the artisan that made the product but will also connect into a small piece of their life story. We focus on each artisan’s life experience as it relates to their creation.

Bamboo Revolution

Our Mission

Our approach and structure is based in the philosophy of holism; thus, the company must be considered as a whole rather than as a sum of its individual parts.

We seek to inspire radical change in business practices and offer solutions to the global environmental crisis through leading by example.

what we do

Your Organic
Online Store

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Handcrafted in partnership with world-class artisans—real people making products that bring meaning and connection to your home. 

Handcrafted in partnership with world-class artisans—real people making products that bring meaning and connection to your home. 

Handcrafted in partnership with world-class artisans—real people making products that bring meaning and connection to your home. 

Why Bamboo?

Empowering & Inventive


The sturdiness of Bamboo ensures maximum strength, hardness, lighter and stability to all products.


Harvested from fully sustainable and rapidly growing forests, bamboo is an environmentally friendly, renewable resource.

More Oxygen

Bamboo is one of the best plants on the earth to sequester carbon with its unrivaled capacity to capture carbon.
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